Building Safety Month has been an international campaign that takes place in May to raise awareness about building safety. This campaign reinforces the need for the adoption of modern, regularly-updated building codes, and helps individuals, families and businesses understand what it takes to create safe and sustainable structures.
The International Code Council, its 64,000 members, and a diverse partnership of professionals from the building construction, design and safety communities come together with corporations, government agencies, professional associations and nonprofits to promote building safety. We come together to support Building Safety Month because we understand the need for safe and sustainable structures where we live, work and play. All communities need building codes to protect their citizens from disasters like fires, weather-related events and structural collapse. Building codes are society’s best way of protecting homes, offices, schools, manufacturing facilities, stores and entertainment venues.
Building Safety Month is a month-long campaign broken up into four categories that depict the importance of building safety.
Week 1 is about Energy & Innovation, Week 2 focuses on Training the Next Generation, Week 3 is for Water Safety, and Week 4 shows the value of Disaster Preparedness.
Green buildings and sustainable construction strategies reinforce the social health, life and safety benefits that building codes offer, providing resilience to natural disasters, provide protection in areas that do not have frequent or prolonged temperatures below freezing.
The building industry will experience a loss of 80% of the existing skilled workforce over the next 15 years. The entire building industry is looking to mentor the next generation to help improve the built environment for everyone.
Water Safety is the focus on water conservation through modern codes and standards with the latest technologies for safe plumbing systems in residential and commercial buildings. As well as, the safest, most resilient structures to protect against floods, hurricanes, and other modern-day disasters.
There are many ways to prepare your family for any emergency. Building to the most up-to-date building codes, can protect communities when preparing for disasters.